Seeking Justice In Wrongful Termination Cases

>While California is an “at will” state that allows employers to fire employees for almost any reason or no reason at all, employees cannot be fired for an unlawful reason or for exercising their legal rights under the law. At Shanberg Stafford LLP, our wrongful termination lawyers can help protect your rights in California, Washington or anywhere in the country.

Do I Have A Wrongful Termination Case?

  • Are you a victim of sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination or some other form of discrimination at work?
  • Were you fired in retaliation for reporting sexual harassment, discrimination or for complaining about a hostile work environment?
  • Were you fired as a result of suffering from a serious medical condition or physical or mental disability?

At Shanberg Stafford LLP, located in Newport Beach, California, our wrongful termination attorneys represent the victims of sexual harassment and other forms of employment discrimination and wrongful termination. Our wrongful termination lawyers have significant experience in this area of the law and know how to help.

Our wrongful termination lawyer handles matters, including:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination based on protected characteristics (i.e. race, gender, age, pregnancy, religion, national origin, etc.)
  • Discrimination based on physical or mental disability or medical condition
  • Wrongful termination
  • Wage and hour disputes
  • Employee leave and benefits

Identifying Unlawful Firing

An example of an unlawful firing is where an employer terminates an employee based on some legally protected characteristic such as the employee’s physical or mental disability, pregnancy, race, national origin, gender or age. Similarly, an employee who is fired for lawfully taking medical leave, stepping forward as a whistleblower or in retaliation for reporting harassment (or other unlawful activity in the workplace) can seek damages against his or her employer. Additionally, while an employee handbook is generally not considered a legal contract, employers may be held accountable for what is in the handbook or for not having stated policies in place.

Wrongful Termination, Discrimination And Harassment

In California, a discrimination claim can be filed with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). State law is often interpreted more generously toward employees than federal law, especially claims of sexual harassment or disability discrimination. For example, California’s anti-discrimination law covers some employers who are too small to be protected by federal law.

Representing Employers In Discrimination Claims

Shanberg Stafford LLP also represents employers in discrimination, harassment and retaliation claims brought before the EEOC and the DFEH. These and other claims, including wage and hour disputes, often occur when employers are simply unaware of their responsibilities to employees.

Contact Us Today To Discuss Your Claim

To learn how we can help you, please contact Shanberg Stafford LLP wrongful termination attorneys by email or at 866-902-0497.