Consumer Class Action Lawyers Fighting For Clients Nationwide

Consumers can get be harmed by unlawful and deceitful conduct by corporations, mortgage lenders and banks. Through consumer class action lawsuits, the attorneys at Shanberg Stafford LLP can help consumers confront corporate wrongdoing and obtain a fair remedy for all those who were harmed.

Our consumer class action attorneys have more than 50 combined years of experience. We are dedicated class action lawyers with a long record of success.

To set up a consultation, please call Shanberg Stafford LLP at 866-902-0497 or contact us by email. With offices in Newport Beach, San Francisco and Seattle, we represent consumers throughout the United States.

False Advertising

False advertising occurs when a business advertises a product that it does not have, or does not intend to obtain, as a way to lure the customer to the business. High-pressure sales tactics are then used to convince the consumer to purchase a more expensive alternative. This fraud may also occur when a business makes untruthful claims about the capabilities or effectiveness of its products.

Hidden Or Undisclosed Fees

Ever received a bill with mysterious charges? When consumers receive bills containing charges that were never agreed upon, fraud may be afoot. Examples include credit card or bank fees, undisclosed cellphone charges and hidden processing fees with hotels and travel sites.

Defective Products

Consumers expect the products they purchase will be designed in a manner that is safe for reasonable use. It is also expected that companies will provide warnings of any possible product dangers. Unfortunately, many companies fall short of their duty to protect consumers, which results in severe injuries. We can help individuals harmed by a product achieve justice and fair compensation for their injuries.

Data Breaches Of Private Information

It is commonplace for companies to collect customer data of a personal and financial nature. As a result, companies should protect that sensitive data. Nevertheless, data breaches often occur when private information such as Social Security numbers, bank account information or credit card information is released. The lawyers at Shanberg Stafford LLP can help consumers protect their rights to privacy when such breaches occur and diminish the risk of identity theft.

Unfair Competition Or Deceptive Trade Practice

When a company employs deceitful methods or misrepresentation to accrue more business, it engages in unfair competition or deceptive trade practices. These practices often affect a large number of consumers in a uniform way by encouraging them to purchase products that they otherwise would not. Our consumer class action attorneys help consumers enforce their rights against untruthful corporations.

Consumers often mistakenly believe that an attorney will not represent them because their claims are too small. However, using consumer class action lawsuits, consumers can obtain a remedy that compensates all of those harmed and requires the business to stop the unlawful practice.

Contact Our California And Washington-Based Attorneys Today

We invite you to learn more about how we can protect your consumer rights. For more information or to schedule a confidential discussion, please email or call Shanberg Stafford LLP at 866-902-0497.